1. Go to your favorite creators’ Hustle Sasa website e.g. sautisol.hustlesasa.shop
2. Identify the digital/retail product you wish to purchase
3. Click ‘ADD TO BAG’
4. Use the + and – icons on the product order to adjust the quantity you wish to buy

5. Repeat step 2 – 4 for all the products you wish to purchase from the same site
6. Click on the cart icon next to ‘My Bag’
7. Confirm the products and quantity you wish to purchase
Hustle Tips
Use the + and – buttons to adjust the quantity you wish to purchase
Click ‘REMOVE’ to remove any item from your bag
8. Click ‘PAY NOW · KSH XXXX’ at the bottom of the page

9. Click “Show order summary” on the top left corner
10. Enter your coupon code under ‘Add coupon’ and click apply

11. Click ‘x’ (Hide order summary) and proceed to complete your purchase.