Share Complimentary Tickets
To share a complimentary ticket:
There are 2 steps to this process:
1. Create a complimentary ticket product
2. Create an order and share it with your customer(s)
1. Open the Hustle app on your phone
2. From your home page click “Products”
3. Click “Add {+}”

4. Chose the type of product you would love to sell.

(i) Add image
NOTE – you do not need to use an image as this product will be inactive – see Step 6

(ii) “Add category”

(iii) “Add a Product Name”
(iv) “Regular price” to set as 0 (Zero) – as the product is FREE
(v) Add the ticket type – “Single” will work fine

(vi) Add “Start Date”, “End Date” and “Time”
(vii) Add the “Venue Details”
“Regular price” to set as 0 (Zero) – as the product is FREE

(v) Click on “Add product”

5) Great! You have now added your product. Now, let’s make the product inactive – this will ensure that your free ticket will not show up on your website.
(i) Toggle the “Active Button” as shown below:

(ii) Click on “Okay, Great!” button

(iii) Your product is now inactive and will not show up on your website
1. Go to the “Orders” tab (bottom menu bar)
2. Click on plus sign ➕

3. Click on “Select Product” and pick your Complimentary ticket product

4. You can choose the number of tickets you want to comp.

5.Click on “Customer” and add their information.
NOTE – Email must be correct for the customer to receive their tickets!

6. Now select “Payment Details”. Select In-Store Cash (Don’t worry the price for the comp ticked is Zero (0kshs). And click on “confirm Payment option”

7. Click on “create order”. Your order has been sent to your customer.

How does my customer redeem their ticket?
1. Ask them to go to their email. NOTE – if they have not received an email, kindly ask them to check their spam. Once they open the email they simply need to click on the link to get their tickets.
2. Once they click on the link. They will be taken to a page where the tickets can be downloaded directly to their phone.