Bulk SMS Marketing
Bulk SMS allows you to message your customers with information about your brand and upcoming events or products. Each SMS is charged at a fee of 2.4kshs/sms
There are two methods of sending SMS
a. SMS to all customers who have purchased a product from your hustlesasa site
b. SMS ONLY customers of who have purchased a specific product
A. SMS to all customers who have purchased a product from your hustlesasa site
1. Open the Hustle app on your phone

2. From your home page – Click on the Hustles tab on the bottom right of the menu bar
3. Scroll down and click on Bulk SMS

4. Select “Send to all customers”
Using this method will message all clients who have purchased any product from your hustlesasa storefront. This is a great way to share coupons, discounts or brand information.

5. Enter your message “Title” and your message, share the link to your hustlesasa account: shopname.hustlesasa.shop or product link: shopname.hustlesasa.shop/product/XXXXX

B. SMS to customers who have purchased a specific product from your hustlesasa site
6. Select “Send to group”
Using this method will message only clients who have purchased that specific product. This is a great way to share information on a change in event time, new or similar product release.

7. Click on “Select product” then select the product from the drop-down menu.
8. Enter your message “Title” and your “message:, always share the link to your hustlesasa account: shopname.hustlesasa.shop or product link: shopname.hustlesasa.shop/product/XXXXX
9. Click on “Send message”

10. Check the amount that will be deducted from your wallet and click on “Confirm”
Please note – The cost per SMS is 2.4kshs / sms

11. Woohoo… Your message has been sent to your customers!
12. Your message will appear in your fans / audience / customer phone as below:
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