Manage Users
This feature allows you to add users/managers to your account. They have access to all features of the app excluding your wallet.
Adding a User Manager
1. Open the Hustle app on your phone

2. From your home page click “Hustle”
3. Scroll down the page and click “Manage Users”

4. Click “Add User”

5. Enter your User Managers’ first name and click “Proceed”
6. Enter your User Managers’ last name and click “Proceed”
7. Select either ‘User Manager’ or ‘Ticket Manager’

(i) User Manager – has access to all features on the app except the wallet
(ii) Ticket Manager – has access the the Hustle check-in app i.e. events

8. Enter your User Managers phone number and click “Send Code”
A verification code will be sent to the User Managers’ phone number
9. Input the code and press “Proceed”

10. Your manager has now been added to your hustle. They can add products, see orders but not withdraw money or see wallet balance.

11. Use your managers phone to download the Hustle Sasa application
Your manager can download the Hustle Sasa app through the links below:
10. Log into the Hustle app
To Delete a Manager:
1. Open your Hustle app on your phone
2. Click “Hustle”

3. Click “Manage Users”

4. Click the delete icon next to the user you wish to remove from your account

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