Adding retail products on android

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Adding retail products on android

Adding Retail Products

Adding Retail Products on Android

1. Open the Hustle app on your phone

2. From your home page click “Products”

3. Click “Add New Product”

4. Select “Retail” and click “Continue”

5. Click the image icon under “Upload Product Images” & select the product image/images

7. Click “Select Category”, enter the category name and click on create.

💡 If you already have an existing category name that suits your product, select your choice and press “Continue”

10. Input various details of your product:

(i) “Enter product name” to input the name of the product

(ii) “Add a description” to creatively describe your product

(iii) “Regular Price” to set a standard price of the product

(IV) “Sale Price” to include a sale for your product

11. Click on the toggle switch next to “Inventory” to manage the stock quantity and enter your preferred stock number

14. Press “Add Product” – now your product has been listed on your website

🌐 To Preview your Website

1. Click “Home” & click “Preview”

2. Your site is now ready

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